A few snippets on how August panned out working in the Lower Derwent Valley and on Skipwith Common NNR....
At the beginning of August Judith returned to the LDV once again so that we
could re-cap on what was learned during last year’s Long Term Monitoring Network
days – particularly the tricky grasses! The morning was spent at Thornton
Ellers where we found 31 species of grasses/sedges/rushes and 66 species of
wildflower, all from the meadow and along the hedgerow. Full write up of the day can be read here.
Plant I.D at Thornton Ellers
The big butterfly count ran until the 10th
August (run by Butterfly Conservation), which involves recording all species seen during
a fifteen minute walk or from a fixed point. We chose to start our walk from
the NNR Base Garden and continued along the lane which leads down to Wheldrake
Ings. We recorded 77 butterflies of 12 species, with the most recorded being
Small Tortoiseshell (28), Peacock (15) and Small White (11). Highlights also included
several Comma’s, Gatekeepers and Small & Large Skippers.
Small Copper - NNR Base
Throughout August our volunteers and the Friends of
Skipwith Common (FOSC) have been helping John the Shepherd round up the 300 ewes and
their lambs on the Common – firstly for shearing and then for a general health check, ear
tagging and worming. Hard work in the hot weather but essential for the welfare
of the stock and the subsequent management of the site. The main management objective for the Common is to
restore and maintain open heathland with a programme of scrub clearance and
felling of invasive birch trees. Trying to employ more traditional and ancient
methods, the estate own and manage a herd of the primitive and hardy rare breed
Hebridean sheep, Longhorn cattle and Exmoor ponies. These animals graze and browse
the scrub and coarser grasses and vegetation, keeping them in check and
providing suitable conditions for many of the rare and specialist wildflowers
and other wildlife that depends on the heathland.
Sheep shearing on the Common
During August the butterfly transect continued weekly around the NNR Base
Garden and Bank Island, where good numbers of Commas in particular were recorded. The scalloped and
ragged edges to the wings of the Comma make it one of the more distinctive
butterflies, when its wings are closed be careful not to mistake it for a dead
leaf – all part of its disguise from predators! The bright orange and black of
the upperwings give it a striking appearance, however the marbled brown
colouring of the underwings help it to camouflage, also, look out for the white
comma-shaped mark which gives the butterfly its name.
Comma - NNR Base
Along with cutting back the vegetation around the pools to make them more appealing to passage waders, we’ve also been
dropping the water levels on the pools to provide nice muddy margins for
feeding areas for birds on passage such as Green Sandpipers, and to create good
conditions for the first returning dabbling ducks such as Teal. This also
allows the chance to see more secretive species such as Water Rails and Spotted
Crakes as they venture out into the open. It also provides exposed mud and bare
ground adjacent to the water for various invertebrates.
Green Sandpiper - Wheldrake Ings
During the last two weeks of August several days were spent working
on Skipwith Common spraying off the Pirri-pirri Bur. This plant is native to
New Zealand, the story goes that it arrived on the boots and socks of the New
Zealand Airmen based at the Second World War airfield on the Common - RAF
Riccall. It certainly seems to thrive around the old run ways, bomb bays and
the other old parts of the airfield. Whilst it hasn’t yet spread out onto the
open heath and started to affect the national and internationally important
features of the site (the lowland wet and dry heaths which are protected under
various designations), it is spreading and beginning to swamp out other
important vegetation such as the Broad-leaved Helleborines, Twayblades and
Common Spotted Orchids. The sticky seeds are covered with small barbed hooks,
which attach themselves to boots, clothes and the livestock on the Common such
as the sheep and deer, which is how it is then spread around the site. We’ve
been spraying the burs to prevent it spreading any further, and to stop it out
competing the other vegetation as it forms its dense mat.
Hannah busy spraying the Pirri-pirri
Pirri-pirri Bur - Skipwith Common
Several warm and sunny mornings were spent at Thornton Ellers which
produced good counts of dragonflies, particularly along the hedgerow and
amongst the bracken. We’re used to seeing them zip around high above our heads,
particularly the hawkers, however this time we were fortunate to have really
close views of Southern, Migrant & Brown Hawkers as they perched on the
vegetation. Southern Hawkers can usually be noticed by their larger size
and their inquisitive nature - often checking out the observer! Usually found
near to woodland where they can be observed hawking for insects through
woodland rides and hedgerows. Migrant Hawkers are one of the smaller hawkers,
appearing a lot later on the wing, from the end of July until October, or even
November in mild years.
Migrant Hawker - Thornton Ellers
Southern Hawker - Thornton Ellers
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