Lower Derwent Valley NNR - December Sightings
The single drake American Wigeon remained throughout the month, although was rather mobile across the site, with a Red-head Smew also appearing on the 22nd. Wildfowl numbers were notable with 140 Whooper Swans, 1900+ Greylag Geese and 2100+ wintering Pink-footed Geese late in the month. 7000+ Teal, 11,500 Wigeon and 621 Pintail represented a good December total.
were well represented with at least 10-15 wintering Marsh Harriers, a
single adult male Hen Harrier (24th), up to five Peregrines
and seven sightings of Merlin, whilst a Short-eared Owl at
North Duffield Carrs on the 3rd was the first of the year. An early returning Oystercatcher
was present on the 1st, 2nd and 22nd and two
wintering Green Sandpipers were noteworthy. Large numbers of Lapwing
were present throughout the month with a total of 12,648 recorded along
with 3300 Golden Plover and 1000 Dunlin. By month end 25 Curlew
and 30 Black-tailed Godwits had also returned.
A single first winter Little Gull was popular with visitors from the 11th to month end, whilst the Wheldrake roost attracted both Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls, with yet another Raven on the 10th, at least two wintering Chiffchaff and good numbers of Linnet in areas surrounding the reserve.
Many thanks as always to everyone who contributed records and counts throughout the month, in particular to members of York Birding and regular patch birder Duncan Bye, thanks also to Duncan for the use of his images below.
Swan – Monthly
maxima of 82 on the 15th and 88 on the 17th.
Swan – 140
were present at North Duffield Carrs on the 2nd followed by
98 there on the 3rd with 133 throughout the whole site on the
5th. 140 were still present on the 15th
with 131 at Bubwith Ings on the 24th and 129 throughout the
site on the 30th.
Swan – Three
(two adults and a first year) were present at dusk at North Duffield Carrs on the
4th with six adults present there at dawn on the 5th.
Goose – A
total of 1,204 were present throughout the site on the WeBS count on the 15th
followed by 1,360 on the 24th. 1,900+ were present throughout
the site at month end.
Goose –
Numbers increased during the month with 521 recorded on the 24th.
Goose – 159
were present throughout the site on the 15th with small
numbers lingering throughout. Numbers increased to 2,100+ in the
Aughton/Ellerton/Thorganby area from the 29th to month end.
White-fronted Goose – An adult and immature were recorded south of the valley at Hemingbrough on the 5th. Two were at Melbourne Ings on the 8th.
Bean Goose
– Five flew north past Ellerton Church on the 2nd with two
over North Duffield Carrs on the 10th and five over Storwood
on the 15th.
Goose – A
flock of 44 flew south-west over North Duffield Carrs on the 1st.
Goose – Twelve
were at Bank Island on the 3rd with two seen after dark at
Elvington on the same date. 18 were recorded throughout the site on the 15th
with four at Wheldrake Ings on the 28th.
Shelduck – Up to 49 remained on
the reserve during the first week of the month with numbers up to 56 by the 6th
and 69 by the 15th. 140+ were recorded by month end.
Teal –
6,724 were present throughout the site on the WeBS count on the 15th with 7,000+ recorded at
month end.
– Numbers were rather low during the month having possibly been suppressed by
the extensive deep flooding with 5,463 recorded on the 15th. Numbers increased
thereafter with 9,876 on the 24th
and 11,500 at month end.
American Wigeon
– The drake reappeared at Bubwith Ings on the 1st
and 2nd before
relocating back to the East Cottingwith pond on the 5th.
It then relocated back to Bubwith Ings on the 17th
before moving to North Duffield Ings on the 24th
and Bank Island on the 29th.
– Over 1,600 were present early in the month but dispersed soon after following
the extensive flooding, with 1,016 counted throughout the site on the 15th.
– Four were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 6th
and North Duffield Carrs on the 8th.
– A total of 156 were recorded throughout the site on the 6th increasing to 355 on the 15th,
588 on the 22nd
and 621 on the 24th.
– 126 were present throughout the reserve on the 15th
with numbers up to 188 by the 22nd.
Gadwall – 88 were present on the 15th
followed by 144 on the 24th and 147 on the 30th.
Duck – 60
were recorded throughout the site on the 12th with a total of
70 counted on the 15th followed by 146 on the 30th.
Pochard – 20 were present at
Bubwith Ings on the 12th when 35 were also at Wheldrake Ings.
70 were recorded at Bubwith Ings on the 13th followed by 73
there on the 15th but only 25 remained on the 30th.
Smew – A single red-head was
recorded at Aughton Ings on the 22nd.
Goldeneye – One or two individuals
lingered early in the month with three then present at Wheldrake Ings on the 22nd
and North Duffield Carrs on the 24th. 18 were present
throughout the site on the 30th.
Goosander – Two were present at
Bubwith Ings on the 13th with two at North Duffield Carrs on the
16th. A single drake was at Wheldrake Ings on the 24th.
Egret – One or two lingered throughout the month with
four at Hagg Bridge on the 29th.
Grey Heron
– 19 were present across the site on the 15th (monthly maxima).
Great White Egret
– A single at Bank Island on the 5th
was followed by one at Storwood on the 29th
and 30th.
Water Rail
– Flooding dispsered birds from the usual areas with two at Bank Island on the 12th, one by Aughton Church
on the 13th
and five along the Pocklington Canal on the 16th.
Two were at North Duffield Carrs on the 30th.
– The first two returning birds were at Wheldrake Ings on the 28th with four there on the 31st.
Harrier –
Up to eight remained daily throughout the site early in the month including the
red wing-tagged bird ‘D3’ and yellow winged-tagged bird ‘AD’. Estimates at this
time included between 10-15 different individuals present in the area. Eight
were observed at Aughton on the 30th.
Harrier –
An adult male was at Wheldrake Ings on the 24th.
Peregrine – Up to four or five individuals
were present during the month including a large presumed continental immature
female on the 30th.
Merlin – A single at North
Duffield Carrs on the 2nd was present again on the 4th
with a female type there on the 5th and again on the 10th/11th.
A single was at Bank Island on the 19th and Wheldrake Ings on
the 31st.
Oystercatcher – An unseasonal
individual was recorded at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st and 2nd
and was followed by another at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd.
Plover – 2,700+
remained throughout the start of the month with numbers up to 3,300 by the 15th.
Lapwing – Over 4,600 were present
throughout the site on the 1st including 3,000 in the
Ellerton/Aughton area followed by 5,200+ on the 2nd. Numbers
continued to increase with 10,000+ present throughout the site on the 12th
followed by 12,300 on the 13th. A total of 12,648 were
recorded during the monthly WeBs count on the 15th. At least 10,500
remained at month end.
Dunlin – 150 were present in the
Ellerton/Aughton Ings area on the 1st, followed by 100 at
North Duffield Carrs on the 3rd, 60 over Wheldrake Ings on
the 4th and 500+ throughout the site on the 5th.
Numbers continued to increase with 750+ recorded on the 12th.
774 were counted on the 15th with over 1,000 present from the 19th
to month end.
Curlew – A flock of 19 were
present at Bank Island on the 5th and 19th,
with 23 recorded at Wheldrake Ings on the 30th with numbers
up to 25 by the 31st.
– 18 were
still present on the 1st with 15 recorded throughout the site
on the 16th.
Godwit – Five
were recorded at North Duffield Carrs on the 8th with a
single at North Duffield Ings on the 15th and six at
Wheldrake Ings on the 21st. Six remained at Wheldrake on the 24th
with 21 at North Duffield Ings on the same date. A total of 28 were recorded throughout
the site on the 29th with a flock of 30 at Wheldrake Ings on the
Snipe – c100 were present at
North Duffield Carrs on the 11th with 150 at North Duffield
Ings on the same date.
Snipe – At
least eleven were present at Wheldrake Ings and four at Elvington Airfield
after dark on the 3rd. Six were at Wheldrake again on the 6th
but the site was then flooded by the 9th, on which date one individual
ringed at Wheldrake (6th) was recaught at Elvington Airfield. Three
were at North Duffield Carrs on the 11th with five at North
Duffield Ings on the same date.
Woodcock – Eight were present on
Wheldrake Ings after dark on the 3rd with three on arable
fields by Wheldrake village and eleven near Elvington Airfield on the same
date. A single bird ringed at Wheldrake Ings on the 6th had
relocated to Elvington Airfield by the 9th in response to the
floodplain flooding.
Redshank – Eleven were present at
North Duffield Carrs on the 6th with 15 recorded at North
Duffield Ings on the 15th. 25 were at North Duffield Carrs on
the 30th with a single at Wheldrake Ings and two at Bank
Island on the same date.
– Two were still present and presumed wintering at Elvington on the 3rd,
6th, 9th and 13th.
Gull – Up
to 5,000 roosted on the Low Grounds and Wheldrake Ings on the 7th
and 19th.
Little Gull – A single first winter was at Bank Island on the 11th before reappearing there again between the 13th-15th before moving to Bubwith Ings on the later date. It was then present at North Duffield Carrs on the 18th and remained at the southern end of the valley to month end.
Gull –
Two were present at the Wheldrake roost on the 30th and 31st,
with at least two first winters and an adult present throughout the month.
Gull – Over 5,000 roosted on the Low Grounds and Wheldrake Ings
on the 7th with 8,000 there on the 15th
followed by 12,000 on the 21st and 20,000+ on the 22nd.
Gull –
5000+ roosted on the Low Grounds and Wheldrake Ings on the 7th
with 10,000+ recorded on the 22nd.
Gull – A
single was at Wheldrake Ings on the 29th and 31st.
Owl – One was present at North Duffield Carrs on the 3rd.
Stonechat – Still present throughout the site in good numbers following 30 individuals on territory last month.
Raven – A single was seen over Thorganby Ings on the 10th.
Chiffchaff – One was at North
Duffield Carrs on the 13th with another around the pool at
Wheldrake Ings on the 28th.
Warbler –
Two were at East Cottingwith on the 15th with one caught and
ringed at the NNR Base Garden on the 26th.
Tit – Two
were recorded regularly at Wheldrake Ings during the month with two at North
Duffield Carrs on the 28th.
Siskin – Up to 100 were present
in the Melbourne and Thornton Ings area on the 2nd amongst the
canal side alders.
Brambling – A single was present with mixed finches at Aughton Church on the 1st and 2nd.
Linnet – Up to 1,000 were
present near Aughton Church on the 1st and 2nd.
50 were also at Thornton on the 2nd with 150 in the wild bird
crop at New Meadow at North Duffield Carrs. 300 were at Thornton Ellers on the 15th
whilst the NNR base roost at Bank Island had built up to 70+ by the 27th.
Corn Bunting – Three were singing at Hagg Lane, East Cottingwith on the 15th.
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