Lower Derwent Valley NNR - April 2023
The highlight
of the month for two lucky observers was a Black-crowned Night Heron, which
flew past Tower Hide after dark on the 22nd calling, before flying
towards the Low Grounds. More accessible and well received were a pair of Black-necked
Grebes at Bank Island on the 26th. Whooper Swans and Pink-footed
Geese were both present to month end, with the last Goldeneye seen
on the 23rd. Several Garganey, including a popular pair at
Bank Island were present late in the month, whilst the spring passage of Common
Scoter continued (largely overnight), resulting in a total of eight or nine
grounded day-time individuals. Raptors included two passage Ospreys, up
to eight Hobbies towards month end, and the last sighting of the long-staying
juvenile Hen Harrier, with what may have been a passage bird moving
through the site later in the month. Flocks of five, four and two Common
Cranes continued the spring sightings, with four Avocet and 44 Whimbrel
recorded, whilst a recorded breaking passage of Bar-tailed Godwits saw a
total of 40 bird-days recorded (18th-27th).
Little Gulls on the 20th were noteworthy, as was an Arctic
Tern on the 22nd and a flock of six Kittiwake on the 1st.
The first Cuckoo appeared on the 11th with the main arrival taking
place from the 22nd, whilst other first arrival dates included Sedge
Warbler (7th), Ring Ouzel (8th), Yellow Wagtail
(11th), Whitethroat (15th), Reed Warbler
(17th), Swift and Lesser Whitethroat (22nd),
Grasshopper Warbler (23rd), Whinchat (25th)
and Garden Warbler (27th). Other notable highlights during
the month were a Water Pipit (4th) and yet another two Ravens.
thanks as always to everyone who contributed records and counts throughout the
month, in particular to members of York Birding, and regular patch birder
Duncan Bye. Thanks also to Duncan Bye, Trevor Walton and Andrew Wappatt for the images below.
Swan – Birds
were incubating the start of clutches early in the month, with up to 14 pairs scattered
around the site. Non-breeding birds started to build-up with 62 between North
Duffield Carrs and Derwent Farm, and 12 at Wheldrake Ings on the 5th
– a total of 102 across the reserve. 111 were then present throughout the site
on the 16th including 87 non-breeders and 12 pairs.
Swan – A
herd passed over the reserve during the night of the 2nd/3rd
with another large herd following on the 3rd/4th. 100+
were recorded at Thornton Ellers on the 4th, whilst 13
arrived at Wheldrake early on the 5th – remaining until the 7th
before departing overnight. Eight flew north over Wheldrake Ings on the 8th
followed by four 9th, with two remaining in the
wintering herd at North Duffield Carrs until the 11th. Four
were at Wheldrake Ings on the 12th with five there between
the 13th - 15th. Two were also at North Duffield
Carrs on the 13th with one remaining on the 17th
to month end. A total spring passage of over 2220 individuals was had from late February to the end
of April.
Pink-footed Geese – Six were still present on
the Low Grounds on the 2nd, whilst 80 flew north over Bank
Island on the 9th. A single was at Thornton Ellers on the 16th
before a small flock flew over Elvington during the night of the 18th/19th.
20 were at Wheldrake Ings during the morning of the 27th before
flying off north, with two at North Duffield Carrs on the 28th
to month end, and four at Thornton Ellers on the 30th.
Goose – The
first brood of eight were at Wheldrake Ings on the 11th with
14 broods there by month end. Eight broods were at North Duffield Carrs with
three additional broods across the area on local ponds.
Shelduck – 93 remained across the
site on the 5th with 91 present on the 16th.
– 1683 were recorded across the reserve on the 5th
- decreasing to 487 by the 16th. 51 remained at North Duffield Carrs on the 28th with 25 elsewhere
through the reserve.
Teal –
1237 were present throughout the site on the 5th
with 892 recorded on the 16th.
Fewer than 200 remained at month end.
– A single drake remained in the Low Grounds/Wheldrake area on the 1st/2nd,
with a single on the pool at Wheldrake on the 11th.
One was at Hagg Bridge on the 12th
when two were also at Wheldrake Ings. Two drakes and a duck were at
Wheldrake on the 22nd
with three drakes and two ducks there on the 24th
– on the same day another duck was present at Breighton Meadows. A pair were seen
at Bank Island on the 28th
and thereafter to month end, when the female was thought to be sitting on a
Gadwall – 150 remained throughout
the month, with many females incubating by month end.
Mallard – The first broods
appeared early in the month, with a brood of eight at Bank Island on the 8th
- total of 21 broods (150+ ducklings) recorded.
Mandarin – The Bank Island pair reappeared
again on the 4th and 6th, when it was thought
the female could be incubating (seen again between the 8th - 11th)
with a lone male there on the 19th and 23rd.
Pintail – 43 were recorded at Wheldrake
Ings on the 1st and 5th when a total of 92
were still present across the reserve. 24 remained at Wheldrake on the 9th
with 12 still present on the 13th. 42 were counted throughout
the site on the 16th. Four remained at Wheldrake from the 22nd
to month end, with four at North Duffield Carrs (total of four pairs).
Shoveler – 157 were at Wheldrake
Ings on the 1st with 173 there on the 5th –
on the same day a total of 264 were recorded throughout the reserve.
Pochard – A single remained on
the pool at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st and 2nd,
with a drake at Bubwith on the 17th and Wheldrake on the 19th
and 29th.
Goldeneye – Eight were on the pool
at Wheldrake on the 1st and 5th, with five there
between the 7th - 11th, down to four by the 12th.
Two red-heads and an immature drake remained at Wheldrake between the 16th-19th
with two red-heads present until the 23rd.
Scoter – Two
flocks passed over on the night of the 2nd, with further
flocks after dark on the 3rd and 4th. A
single female lingered to mid-morning at Wheldrake on the 5th
before departing high to the east. A large nocturnal movement occurred after
dark on the 6th with c300 birds moving over Bank Island and Wheldrake
in numerous small flocks (6-12 individuals), with occasional larger flocks of
up to 30-40 individuals. A single drake dropped in at Wheldrake on the 7th
but departed soon after. A female was present on the floods at North Duffield
Carrs on the 11th, with nocturnal passage still continuing
most nights around this time. Flocks continued to pass through the reserve, usually
arriving overhead from 22:30hrs and continuing until midnight, with a movement
of several flocks overnight on the 13th/14th, which probably
resulted in the pair at North Duffield Carrs on the 14th. A
female was then present at Ellerton on the 16th, with either
the same individual or another at North Duffield Carrs on the 17th
before a drake appeared at the same site on the 25th. What
may have been the same drake was then present at Bank Island the next day on
the 26th. A flock were then picked up over Elvington during the
night of the 28th/29th.
Egret – Numbers increased during the early part of the
month with 16 throughout the site on the 5th,
followed by seven at Bank Island on the 7th
and seven at Ellerton. Five were at Bank Island on the 11th with 22 into roost at
Wheldrake on the 13th.
27 were counted across the reserve on the 16th
when several birds were also present in the heronry (which held 16 occupied
nests on the 28th).
Great White Egret
– The long staying individual remained in the Bank Island/Wheldrake and Hagg
Bridge area early in the month, with either the same or another individual at
Bubwith Ings on the 5th
and 6th, and Wheldrake between
the 9th - 11th.
Grey Heron
– Regular sightings throughout the month with 32 active nests recorded in the
heronry on the 28th.
Black-crowned Night Heron
– A single flew over Wheldrake (heard calling after dark near Tower Hide) on
the 22nd.
Little Grebe
– Good numbers remained around the reserve on the Ings, with a number of
individuals also picked up early in the month on noc-mig (passing over the area
during darkness), with several birds over Bank Island, Wheldrake and Elvington on
the 5th. Nine remained at
Bank Island on the 5th
with eight at Wheldrake on the same date. Six pairs were at Bank Island on the 27th.
Black-necked Grebe – A pair arrived at Bank Island on the 26th.
Great Crested Grebe
– A pair were still nest building at Bank Island early in the month, with three
individuals seen at Wheldrake on the 3rd
followed by two pairs there between the 5th -
16th, on which dates a pair were also present at North
Duffield Carrs with a single at Bubwith Ings.
– The first of the year flew north up the reserve on the 3rd passing over Wheldrake,
Bank Island and Raker Lakes, with another north between Wheldrake and Thorganby
on the 20th.
Harrier –
Two cream-crowns were at Wheldrake on the 12th and 27th
with one there on the 29th.
Harrier –
The long staying immature remained into the month, favouring the Bank Island/Wheldrake
Ings areas on the 1st - 2nd (also recorded on the
Tilmire on the 2nd), before being present again at Wheldrake on the 6th.
A single ringtail reported at Hagg Bridge around the 22nd may
have been a bird on passage.
Kite – Regular
sightings throughout the month with an estimated 7-8 pairs present.
Peregrine – One or two sub-adults
and an immature lingered early in the month, with another at Aughton later on the
30th (total of three or four pairs present in the wider area).
Hobby – The first returning
bird was present at Bank Island and Wheldrake on the 13th -
the joint earliest following an individual on the same date in 2017. Singles
were then present at Thorganby, Wheldrake and Skipwith on the 20th
with four hawking together over the pool at Wheldrake on the 25th.
Seven were over the pool on the 26th with another at Bubwith.
Single at East Cottingwith on the 28th with two at dusk at
Wheldrake on the 30th.
Rail – The
now usual nocturnal spring passage started with one or two birds noted in late March
increasing to three or four birds most nights from 1st – 4th.
Up to six singing birds were present in the reedbed at Wheldrake early in the
month, with eight across the whole site. Two individuals flying over Wheldrake
on the 27th calling after dark may well have been migrants.
Coot – Counts on the 5th
included 66 at Bank Island, 94 at Wheldrake Ings, 21 at North Duffield Carrs
and 18 at Aughton - total of 199 across the main areas of the reserve.
Crane – Five
flew north up the reserve (over Wheldrake Ings, Bank Island and Wheldrake
village) on the 2nd, before being relocated at Thornton
Ellers on the 3rd. Two flew over Bielby Arm on the
Pocklington Canal at Bielby on the 8th. Four flew south towards
Skipwith from Thorganby on the 12th, appearing at North Duffield
Carrs and Bubwith later in the day.
Avocet – Two at Barmby on the
Marsh on the 1st may have been the same individuals seen on
the gravel pits at Hemingbrough on the 31st March. Singles were also
picked up on nocturnal passage over Elvington on the 3rd and
Bank Island on the 4th.
Ringed Plover
– A single was on the pool at Wheldrake Ings between the 9th -11th
with one at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd.
Plover – One
at Wheldrake Ings on the 13th another individual over on the 27th.
– Eight remained
at Aughton on the 5th with a single at Wheldrake on the same
date. A male coming into summer plumage was at Aughton Ings on the 16th
with a different male at Wheldrake on the 17th. Five were at North
Duffield Carrs on the 23rd (four males and a female), with a male
at Bank Island from the 26th to month end.
– Single
with Black-tailed Godwits at Wheldrake on the 16th was
followed by two flew through the same site on the 30th.
Whimbrel – Two at Thorganby Ings on
the 17th were the first returning birds following a noc-mig record
over Elvington on the 3rd. The two Thorganby individuals were
present until the 18th-19th, when five were then found
roosting at Wheldrake Ings on the 19th. A series of counts
then followed with eleven on the 20th, eight on the 22nd,
eighteen on the 24th and twenty on the 25th.
44 individuals were located around the site during the day on the 27th.
Woodcock – Seven individuals were
roding at Skipwith Common NNR on the 2nd with regular roding noted
Godwit – 13
remained on the 1st and 2nd following a turnover
of birds in late March, with 15 at Wheldrake Ings on the 3rd.
12 were present on the 4th and 5th with a
gap of a few days following with no records, until 15 were found at North Duffield
Carrs on the 8th with 17 then at Wheldrake on the 9th.
A passage flock of 68 individuals passed through the site on the 15th,
whilst eight individuals were scattered throughout the site on the 16th.
15 flew north over Wheldrake on the 17th followed by four on
the 18th and six on 19th. Up to 35 were scattered
throughout the reserve daily between the 20th to 25th, with
some degree of turn over at this time. A single remained at Wheldrake Ings and North
Duffield Carrs on the 26th and 27th, with
two on the latter date at Thorganby and one there next day.
Godwit –
A single summer plumaged bird flew over Thorganby, heading towards Aughton on
the 18th. Three flew north-east over Bank Island at midday on
the 19th before two were found on the Low Grounds with four
further birds roosting at Wheldrake Ings. Six were present on the reserve on the
20th followed by five on the 21st, with a
single remaining on the 22nd before six were found at Thornton
Ellers on the 23rd with two also at North Duffield Carrs. Five
were at Thorganby Ings on the 26th with four on the river at
Ellerton, and later Thorganby on the 27th when one was also
present near Storwood – representing the best ever spring passage on record.
Redshank – 21 remained throughout
the site on the 5th, with a total of 41 across the
reserve on the 16th - including 14 territorial pairs. 10 were
at Thorganby Ings on the 17th.
Greenshank – Single at Bank Island
on the 13th was the first of the year, with another at Thorganby
Ings between the 17th - 18th. Four flew north at
Wheldrake on the 22nd followed by three at Ellerton on the 27th.
– One was present on the Low Grounds on the 22nd before
flying off towards Hagg Bridge.
– Two were on the river at Ellerton/Thorganby on the 27th
when two were also present near Stamford Bridge.
– One was heard over Hagg Bridge on the 27th with a possible
heard later in the day from Bank Island.
Gull – A total
of ten flew north through Wheldrake and Bank Island on the 20th -
a day with considerable inland movement through the country. Single at
Wheldrake Ings on the 27th.
Kittiwake – A flock of six adults at
Wheldrake Ings were part of a large inland movement throughout the country on the
Tern –
Seven terns north up the reserve on the 18th were thought to
be of this species, with a single at Bank Island briefly early morning on the 22nd
seen well enough to be confirmed.
Tern –
The first returning birds were four near Foggathorpe on the 26th,
with a single at Wheldrake on the same day. Singles at both Wheldrake and North
Duffield Carrs were then recorded on the 27th with up to four
at Wheldrake from the 28th to month end.
– Single at Bank Island on the 1st.
Owl – A
single calling bird was heard by the canal at Storwood (behind Wheldrake Ings),
after dark on the 4th with one recorded there again (hunting)
on the 8th.
Cuckoo – The first returning
bird was back and calling at the favoured area in Melbourne on the 11th,
with the next individual at Elvington on the 22nd followed by
one at Thorganby on the 26th. One was then present at Storwood
on the 27th with the first at Wheldrake on the 28th
– on the same date three were at Skipwith Common NNR.
Swift – A single was at
Wheldrake Ings on the 22nd and was followed by three across
the site on the 25th with several more arriving on the 27th.
Eight were recorded at Wheldrake Ings on the 29th when birds
started to return to local nesting sites in villages.
Parakeet –
A single bird remained around Wheldrake village throughout the month.
Woodlark – Up to eight pairs
remained on Skipwith Common NNR early in the month.
Pipit – A
single bird was present behind Swantail Hide at Wheldrake, before flying off towards
the canal Storwood on the 4th.
Wheatear – One was present near
Thornton on the 12th followed by one at East Cottingwith on the
15th and three at Hagg Lane on the 16th.
Singles were then present at North Duffield Carrs, and between Skipwith and
North Duffield village on the 22nd, followed by one at Wheldrake
on the 24th, Thorganby on the 27th and Aughton
on the 30th.
Wagtail –
Three at Wheldrake on the 11th were the first of the year with
one at Thornton the following day on the 12th. Singles were then
at Wheldrake, North Duffield and Ellerton on the 16th,
followed by six at Hagg Lane at East Cottingwith on the 28th.
Martin – 30
were seen over Wheldrake Ings on the 1st with numbers reaching
100+ by the 7th.
Swallow – Single at Wheldrake Ings
on the 2nd, with several then present throughout the reserve
on the 5th. 30 seen over Wheldrake on the 7th
had increased to 100 on the 9th.
Martin –
The first returning bird was seen at Wheldrake Ings on the 7th,
and was followed by four on the 9th and 10 on the 13th.
Fieldfare – Five flew north over
Wheldrake on the 9th followed by 31 north-west over Wheldrake
on the 17th.
Redwing – Birds were picked up
over Elvington on nocturnal passage on the night of the 18th/19th.
Ouzel – Single
heard at Storwood on the 8th with a male at Melbourne on the 27th.
Raven – A single was present at
Wheldrake on the 9th while either the same individual, or
another, flew north-east at Bank Island on the 26th.
Whinchat – A single male was
present at Barmby on the Marsh wetlands on the 25th.
Warbler –
Following the first birds in late March, two were singing at Wheldrake on the 1st
and 2nd. A handful of birds remained until four appeared at
Wheldrake on the 6th followed by seven on the 7th
due to a widespread arrival in the country, which brought small numbers across
the reserve, Skipwith Common and surrounding area. 10 at Wheldrake Ings on the 8th
were followed by 12 on the 9th and 17 on the 10th.
23 were at Wheldrake on the 17th increasing to 28 on the 27th.
Blackcap – A singing bird at Bank
Island was the first spring arrival on the 4th with three at
South Duffield on the same day, followed by five at Bank Island/Wheldrake on
the 7th. Numbers slowly started to increase thereafter.
– The first returning bird was at Melbourne on the 15th with
a small arrival noted from the 21st.
– Single at Bank Island on the 22nd and 23rd
was the first of the year, and was followed by two there on the 25th
- birds were then widespread by the 27th.
Warbler –
The first returning bird was at Wheldrake Ings on the 27th, increasing
to three there by the 30th.
Warbler –
The first returning individual was at Wheldrake Ings on the 7th
and was heard singing again there on the 8th. The first returning
bird at Melbourne followed a week later on the 15th, with six
recorded at Wheldrake on the 16th. Numbers increased quickly
from the 21st with 27 across the reserve by the 24th.
Warbler –
The first returning bird was at Wheldrake Ings on the 17th increasing
to seven there by the 27th. Six at Melbourne on the 30th.
Warbler –
Single reeling birds at Thornton Ellers on the 23rd and Melbourne
on the 27th to month end.
Warbler –
Two, possibly three calling birds remained at Wheldrake early in the month,
with up to four recorded there by month end, with at least one remaining on the
Pocklington Canal at Melbourne.
Tit –
Four were at Wheldrake Ings on the 2nd including three
singing/territorial birds, reaching five individuals by mid-month.
Tit – A single
singing bird at Melbourne on the 9th.
Corn Bunting – Singles were singing at Wheldrake Ings early in the month and later at East Cottingwith on the 28th. Six were near Ellerton village on the 27th with 12 around Hagg Lane East Cottingwith on the 28th.
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