Recently our team of staff and volunteers returned for our annual work parties at
Grimthorpe Dale – a site on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds. Much of the
valley systems in this area are occupied by un-improved chalk grassland,
exhibiting a range of community types on the varying slopes and aspects. Common
grassland herbs are widespread, with local abundance of characteristic chalk
species such as Dropwort, Lady’s Bedstraw, Bloody Crane’s-bill, Rock-Rose,
Burnet Saxifrage, Small Scabious, Devil’s-bit Scabious and Thyme. Whereas
the springs in the valley bottom give rise to calcareous marsh communities,
containing species such as: Narrow-leaved Water Parsnip, Marsh
Marigold, Water Cress and Brooklime. Sites like this also provide great
places for many butterfly species including the Marbled White for which the
Yorkshire Wolds is an important stronghold. On the day our team were busy
helping to remove Hawthorn, Gorse and Bramble scrub to allow these delicate
wildflower communities to flourish, and to help access for grazing livestock to
keep the more dominant vegetation in check. Yet another great effort by
our team, helping to make a real improvement to yet another site over the years
– many thanks to all involved.

During the week the team also had the pleasure of being joined once again by
Cameron who undertook a short-term apprentice role with us last year. We
were delighted when Cameron then secured a job working for an Environmental Consultancy
in the Midlands last autumn, but even more pleased that he wanted to use up his
end of year leave by coming back to see us and spending a few days
volunteering. It was great to have the whole team re-united during the
week, helping to undertake the management works at Grimthorpe Dale among a range of tasks in the valley. We’ve
had some great placements and apprentices over the years, and it’s always great
to hear that many have gone on to work in the environmental sector – gaining
jobs with the City of York Council, RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts and Natural
England – hopefully taking a bit of the LDV and what they learnt here with
them. We are pleased to be recruiting again for our next apprentice and look
forward to welcoming another LDV team member soon.

Recently we were also delighted to hear that one of the LDV team
members, @LucyMurg, who’s photographs will be familiar to our regular followers
on Twitter and Facebook, was awarded a ‘highly commended’ in the ‘attention to detail’ category
of the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards. This is a great achievement,
with being up against thousands of other entries, and follows on from Lucy
being shortlisted at the BWPA (British Wildlife Photography Awards) last year.
A keen eye for something different produced these wonderful close ups of the
Kingfishers plumage, which really showcases the wonder of the natural world,
and not something that many people get to see in such detail. Not only is
this an achievement at a personal level, but also great to get the LDV ‘on the
map’. Monitoring our special wildlife and photographing them as we go about our
day to day work is a big part of what we do here, and allows us bring the
valley to life on the pages of our Facebook, blog and Twitter
accounts. With river levels being high at the moment our local Kingfishers
(perhaps including this one) will have been forced to the margins of the site
to find calmer, shallower water in which to fish – regular sightings are still
being logged along the Pocklington Canal, especially between Church Bridge and
Melbourne Arm. As always when visiting the valley please leave any
sightings and counts in the log books provided, thank you.