We've been enjoying some great success in catching Teal to
ring over the last two months. There are around 5500 in the valley at the
moment, and since the first catch on the 30th November last year,
we’ve caught and ringed over 1000 taking the total number ringed in the valley
to over 4650 (around 4% of those ringed in the UK).
This has generated a
number of recoveries with Teal ringed in the valley being reported from Sweden,
Finland, Norway, Russia, the Netherlands, France and Portugal, but there has
also been some interesting re-traps from within the valley. Three birds
caught at Bank Island last week had all been caught and ringed together in the
same catch, at Bank Island, almost exactly four years earlier, leaving us wondering
if they had stayed together and just how many air miles they might have clocked
up since we initially encountered them. It has also revealed the degree
and turnover of Teal using the valley – our peak count has recently been
reaching around 10,000 but just how many individuals pass through the reserve
over the year? Two birds ringed on 18th November last year had
already made it to the Manchester area and southern France by the New Year,
whilst another, ringed on 12th December was found in Lampeter, Wales,
just 10 days later. Many thanks to our staff and volunteers for putting all the
extra hours in recently to carry out these catches which are largely at dawn or

The eloquent looking Pintail is one of our favourite ducks
seen on the reserve at this time of year – with numbers currently continuing to
increase with over 250 now present throughout the reserve. We’ve caught
and ringed 18 so far this year in and amongst our cannon net catches of Teal and
Wigeon, as part of our long running studies with the BTO and WWT. We’ve also
received two interesting ringing recoveries back from birds ringed in the
valley in previous winters - both were ringed at Bank Island in January 2017
with the first being found at Baie d’authie, Fort-Mahon-Plage, Somme, France,
440km to the south last November. The other was found at Wexford Harbour
in Ireland, some 400km west of the valley last December. It’s interesting
to know where our birds have been, but it’s also useful in looking at how and
when birds use the site in terms of understanding large landscape scale

Mallards are a widespread and familiar species across
our urban and rural landscapes, with the feeding of bread to local populations
perhaps being the first engagement we had with birds and the natural
environment. Although the UK breeding population (estimated between 61,000-146,000
pairs) has been increasing since the 1960’s - although also assisted by the
vast numbers released by shooting parties, wintering numbers of c700,000
individuals have shown a decline since the late 1980’s. This is thought to be
linked to a decrease in birds coming from Europe in a response to milder
The Lower Derwent Valley NNR remains a key site in the UK
for wintering birds, with up to 3000 present most winters. Recently we were
pleased to catch and ring a sample of over 40 Mallards, which also saw us pass
a milestone of the 5000th individual to be ringed on the reserve over the last
30 years. Our ringing recoveries have shown birds moving to and from Norway,
Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and France, although the number of
continental birds has reduced over recent years in line with the national
trends. It is important that the monitoring of this species, and all species
continues, with this work helping to shape future conservation strategies.