A few snippets of how the last two months have been spent in the Lower Derwent Valley.
Each year from the end of May, throughout June and into July
week after week is spent pulling Marsh Ragwort from the meadows around the
Marsh Ragwort is a plant of wet grassland, often occurring
in un-improved wet hay meadows, along with more improved wet grassland. Marsh
Ragwort is toxic to livestock due to the compounds it contains. However,
grazing animals usually tend to avoid it but cattle have been known to graze the
flowers, and sheep will eat the leaves when they first appear in a rosette
form. The majority of the meadows in the valley are cut and baled for hay and
so the Ragwort needs to be removed before the farmers can cut the meadows, it is
thought that once dried and mixed in with the other plants it becomes more
difficult for the animals to avoid.
So each year we have to ‘pull’ all the land owned by NE
which is c500ha and requires a lot of time and effort! So many thanks to the
staff and volunteers who have tirelessly worked over the last few weeks filling
countless numbers of bin bags and skips!
Spraying and the complete removal is believed to be the only
way forward by some. However Marsh Ragwort is a native and natural component of
species-rich wet hay meadows, and unfortunately (at the moment) there isn’t a spray or other method
of control that would selectively take out the Ragwort without it affecting the
rest of the wildflowers.
Since the ragwort 'season' finished we've moved on to sorting out all the paths around Bank Island and North Duffield Carrs, along with trimming back the vegetation from around the pools in
anticipation of the waders and ducks returning as autumn approaches. By
clearing the vegetation it make the pools more open and therefore more
attractive for passage waders dropping in on autumn migration. It also stops
species like willow from becoming established and shading out flowering
plants such as Water Mint, Corn Mint and Purple Loosestrife which provide
valuable nectar sources to many invertebrates.
Whilst busy strimming we've been seeing plenty of Emerald Damselflies
and Ruddy Darters resting on the Soft Rush, whilst the Brown Hawkers and
Emperor Dragonflies have been out hunting across the water.

Along with the usual team we've also had extra help during the last four weeks, with two students on placement, first off was fifteen your old school boy Adam who spent an enjoyable two weeks here on his work experience placement. His time was spent between a variety of tasks such as helping us pull Marsh Ragwort
from the meadows and Himalayan Balsam at Thornton Ellers, a sheep round-up on
Skipwith Common, checking the Barn Owl nest boxes and then on his last day
helping us catch and ring the broods of Mute Swans at North Duffield, Wheldrake
Ings and the Pocklington Canal – made easier by his superb canoeing skills! Sam then joined us for the last two weeks, and was a big help with strimming the paths and clearing large areas of Himalayan Balsam. It's been a real pleasure having them both on board for the last few weeks, we now wish them well in their final year at school and hope to see them both again in the valley soon!

Since ringing the last of the first broods of Barn Owl chicks in June, things have largely been quiet on the ringing front, mainly due to the amount of work and lack of time to do it in. However after a morning pulling several members of the ragwort team were rewarded with close views of this male Sparrowhawk which had flown into one of our duck traps that had been left un-set,
meaning it could fly in and out as it pleased, but we were swift enough to close
the door on arrival. Not many Sparrowhawks are ringed in the Lower Derwent
Valley each year so it was pleasing to see this small male at close range. With their bright yellow/orange eye, piercing looking bill,
long legs and needle-sharp talons they look like they mean business!
Sparrowhawk’s are adept hunters of passerines and with their relatively short
rounded wings and long tail they are adapted for nimble manoeuvring through
woodlands and trees, where they will prey on flocks of mixed tits and finches.

Sparrowhawks breed in woodlands but are a regular visitor to
towns and cities and often appear in gardens – where they will hunt their prey
by skimming hedges, rooftops and gliding low over the ground before swooping
through with lightning speed and ambushing an unsuspecting individual. Sparrowhawks
usually tend to stay out of sight until they are ready to strike, one of the
first signs that one may be in the vicinity is that of the alarm calls of small
birds – who are alerting others nearby to the danger.
As with most birds of prey the females are a lot bigger, so
we were able to sex this bird by looking at the size. The grey/blue colouring on
the back is typical of an adult of at least two years, although it could be an
older bird – especially with such a bright eye. This year’s Sparrowhawks are
just beginning to fledge – they breed later than most other birds to coincide
the hatching of their eggs with the fledging of small passerines – meaning an
abundant food supply!
After a day pulling Ragwort, some of the team decided to
stay late into the evening and ring in the reed bed on Wheldrake. A total of 61
birds were caught, including Sedge and Reed Warblers, Reed Buntings and 40 Swallows
that had come into roost. However a highlight came in the form of this beauty –
a juvenile Water Rail.
Water Rails have had a good breeding season on Wheldrake Ings
with five calling males regularly heard (they are seldom seen so recording the
singing males is the best way of estimating the population). We know at least
one pair bred raising two young as the chicks have been seen in front of Swantail
Hide. Interestingly an adult female was also caught and ringed when pushing our
corale trap for ducklings last month - she had a brood patch and had presumably
also bred. These are first two Water Rails to be ringed in the valley for a few years, bringing
the number ringed on site to 49.

Mute Swans appear to have had a better year than those of
late, with seven pairs nesting across the Lower Derwent Valley. However, brood
sizes have been mixed ranging from two broods of two and the largest of nine. This year three broods have been caught in the LDV, with broods of two on
Wheldrake and North Duffield and a brood of five on the Pocklington Canal.
Several new adults have also been caught with each one fitted (and the cygnets) with
one of our red and white darvics.
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