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Welcome to the LDV NNR ringing blog, this blog is designed to share the experiences, findings and tales from a group of dedicated ringers. We specialise in conservation orientated research projects, largely focusing on wildfowl, waders, owls and birds of conservation concern, in and around the Vale of York NNR's.
NB - Whilst the purpose of this blog was initially designed to cover our nationally important wildfowl ringing activities, it now also features wildlife and work posts, explaining how we manage the NNR for both wildlife and people.
For daily sightings please visit our Twitter account: (@LDV_NNR)
For details of events, volunteer tasks and wildlife images please visit our Facebook account:
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
18/02/20 - Heronies Census
As well as the Heronries Census, each month we also undertake the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS), with the February count showing an increase in Grey Herons - total of 36 returning birds were counted. Our latest WeBS survey also showed a total of 13 Little Egrets have already returned to the site, compared with a total of just 4 at the same time last year. Numbers will continue to increase throughout the year, so we may well be on course to break the first count of over 100 – with 85 recorded in mid-May last year. When visiting the site please do let us know about your sightings and keep an eye out of any colour-ringed birds thank you.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
14/02/20 - Gambia Tern
The Friends of the LDV purchased the first two rafts in 2017 thanks to a generous private donation, which resulted in a single pair nesting and raising two chicks to fledging. The following year, two pairs raised six young and last year, two pairs raised five young to fledging. All 13 chicks have been ringed, with 11 fitted with colour-rings in the hope of being able to follow them on their epic migrations.
With the project going well so far with just two rafts, we are delighted to reveal that this year we will have two extra rafts, which will be installed later in the spring when the floods will have hopefully receded. Many thanks to the Friends and those that have helped support them in being able to deliver these rafts, which have helped make a difference to these birds and the people who enjoy watching them around the world. If you would like to help support further work like this then please visit our Go Fund Me page – every little helps, thank you -
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
08/02/20 - Tree planting
The Tree Council awards grants to help communities around the country to plant more trees, and to do something positive for their ‘treescape’ and this year following a national campaign, communities, organisations and businesses around the UK are taking the opportunity to do their bit to reduce UK carbon emissions, and improve their communities by planting trees. Many thanks to our team for their help with this project over the last few weeks, with many of the trees now planted at Thornton Ellers, North Duffield Carrs and Bank Island – and with more still to plant we’ll be teaming up with the pupils of Ad Astra next week to continue with the task.
Thursday, 6 February 2020
03/02/20 - World Wetlands Day
Wetlands and biodiversity is the theme for 2020, celebrating that wetlands are rich in biodiversity and are a habitat for a great variety of plant and animal species. Whilst we might all be aware of the loss of global biodiversity, wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate, almost three times faster than forests, so we need action to reverse its loss. With thanks to your support, either by buying our logs, cards or calendars, booking us for talks and events, or making donations to the Friends of the Lower Derwent Valley, the Friends have been able to safeguard a little bit more of our international wetland resource. Last week they completed the purchase of 6.6 acres of lowland wet grassland on North Duffield Carrs – one of the last blocks of land there still in private ownership. This land is now secured for nature conservation, so that future generations can enjoy the thousands of wintering birds, breeding birds, mammals, plants and invertebrates which use the site over the year. There is still more to be done though - the land purchase cost £20,000 and the Friends, who are now a registered charity, are keen to crowd fund in order to replace their land acquisition fund to help purchase more land. If you’d like to help then please follow the link below to their Go Fund me page -
We’ve also recently heard about a Reed Warbler caught last summer at Wheldrake Ings with a Portuguese ring - it was ringed in August 2018 at Paul do Taipal, Coimbra as a juvenile. Many thanks to our team of volunteers who spend many an hour collecting data and then submitting it to the BTO and WWT.