Last week after a
busy day working on the reserve, our small team of staff and ever-increasing band
of volunteers headed down to the tern rafts at Wheldrake Ings and North
Duffield Carrs. Following the rafts being put back into place in April, along with
a few repairs and top-up of gravel, both rafts were soon home to a pair. For
the third consecutive year, we are delighted to say that we have had successful
breeding on the reserve, with two pairs hatching five chicks which are now a
good size and ready to fledge – joining the six fledged birds raised from two
broods in 2018 and a brood of two from a single pair in 2017, when the ‘Friends
Of’ first purchased the rafts thanks to a kind private donation. It’s fantastic
to have these birds as an addition to the reserves breeding bird community, and
great entertainment for our visitors – best seen from Pool Hide at Wheldrake
Ings. The terns are likely to be around until the end of the month, so if you
haven’t seen them yet you still have time.

On the day that we ringed the chicks, we also received some exciting news...
Last year we colour-ringed all six chicks
hoping we might get a sighting from somewhere in the UK next year, when the
birds first return to the country having spent their first summer and two
winters in Africa – although from six chicks the odds were rather
low. However, not only did we receive
news that one of our birds had been reported, but that it had unusually already made
it back to the UK in its first summer. Along with a report of the sighting, we were delighted to receive an image of the bird, taken at Seaforth Nature Reserve in Merseyside. It will be interesting to see if it appears there next year when it
will be at breeding age – perhaps it has already found a breeding colony to join
after its next trip to Africa. Many thanks to Gavin Thomas for sending in his record and image, and to everyone involved in managing the rafts and raising funds. We’d like
to install further rafts next year, if you would like to help please follow the link to our Go Fund Me page, thank you -