Welcome to the LDV NNR ringing blog, this blog is designed to share the experiences, findings and tales from a group of dedicated ringers. We specialise in conservation orientated research projects, largely focusing on wildfowl, waders, owls and birds of conservation concern, in and around the Vale of York NNR's.

NB - Whilst the purpose of this blog was initially designed to cover our nationally important wildfowl ringing activities, it now also features wildlife and work posts, explaining how we manage the NNR for both wildlife and people.

For daily sightings please visit our Twitter account: https://twitter.com/ldv_nnr (@LDV_NNR)

For details of events, volunteer tasks and wildlife images please visit our Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/Lower-Derwent-Valley-Skipwith-Common-NNR

Sep' 24

Lower Derwent Valley NNR - September Sightings

The biggest attraction during the month was a Hoopoe that took up residence in the local village of Stamford Bridge between the 22nd and 28th, which represented the seventh record for the wider LDV area. In contrast to this southern visitor, the first returning Whooper Swans appeared on the 27th following the first arrival of Pink-footed Geese south on the 10th.  Numbers of wintering duck increased during the month with 500+ Wigeon by month end and an early count of 15 Pintail on the 27th. A single Great White Egret lingered for the majority of the month whilst a group of Common Cranes headed (unseen) over Melbourne and Thornton Ings on the 28th.

An Osprey flew south down the valley on the 13th, whilst up to nine Marsh Harriers were present across the site, including wing-tagged bird ‘D3’ on the 27th returning for yet another winter (after breeding in the Wensum Valley in Norfolk during the summer).

Passage waders trickled through the with up to ten Green Sandpipers present throughout the month, whilst 150 Golden Plover and 300 Lapwing returned to the surrounding area towards month end. Other notable sightings included a Redstart at Wheldrake Ings on the 10th and a Pied Flycatcher at North Duffield Carrs on the 14th. Several Whinchats passed through the reserve whilst Stonechats returning to wintering territories started to build up, with the first returning Redwing over the site on the 27th.

Many thanks as always to everyone who contributed records and counts throughout the month, in particular to members of York Birding and regular patch birder Duncan Bye. Thanks also to Duncan Bye and Nathaniel Dargue for the use of their photographs below.



Whooper Swan  Two adults flew south over Bank Island on the 27th.

Greylag Goose – After being scarce early in the month numbers increased to 250 by the 25th and 400+ by the 27th.

Pink-footed Goose – The first returning birds were noted on the 10th with six skeins totaling 495 birds south through the valley, followed by 100 on the 11th, 70 on the 12th and 300 over Stamford Bridge on the 13th. Other flocks continued to pass through the area with 200+ south over Bank Island on the 15th, 80 southeast over Skipwith Common on the 16th, 200 over North Duffield village on the 17th and 70 south over Melbourne on the 19th. A flock of 112 headed south over Wheldrake Ings on the 25th which was followed by skeins of 60 over Thornton Ellers and Aughton on the 28th with eight at Bank Island the next day on the 29th.

Egyptian Goose – Twelve went east over Wheldrake Ings on the 14th with a single there on the 28th.

Egyptian Goose - Wheldrake Ings - 28/09 - DB

Teal – Up to 70 were present on the 9th increasing to 300+ across the site by the 23rd and to 400 by the 29th.

Wigeon – Seventeen were at North Duffield Carrs on the 11th with small numbers heard on noc-mig over Elvington from the 18th. Over 500 were at North Duffield Carrs by the 23rd.

Mallard – Up to 100 were present throughout the site towards month end.

Mandarin – A single was seen with Mallards at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st.

Mandarin - Wheldrake Ings - 01/09 - DB

Garganey – A juvenile drake was at Wheldrake Ings on the 9th.

Pintail – Fifteen flew into Wheldrake Ings at dusk on the 27th whilst a single was at Thornton Ings on the 28th.

Shoveler – Up to twelve remained scattered throughout the site during the month. Twenty were at Bank Island on the 30th.

Gadwall – Up to 25 remained throughout the site during the month.

Tufted Duck – A single was present at the top pond at North Duffield Carrs on the 2nd and 8th with one at Thornton Ings on the 28th.  

Little Egret – Two or three birds were seen on a daily basis during the month.

Grey Heron – Up to 25 were scattered throughout the site on the 29th.

Great White Egret – One at Bank Island on the 1st flew north with one at Wheldrake Ings daily between the 12th and 23rd.

Great White Egret - Wheldrake Ings - 15/09 - DB

Grey Partridge – Seven were present at Bank Island on the 1st and regularly thereafter. Nineteen were in fields by Wheldrake village on the 23rd.

Common Crane – A flock were heard calling as they flew east up the Pocklington Canal at Thornton Ellers on the 28th but remained unseen.

Water Rail – Up to six were heard regularly calling at Wheldrake Ings in the Swantail reedbed during the month.

Osprey – A single flew south down the eastern side of the valley on the 13th, appearing to drop into the East Cottingwith area.

Marsh Harrier – A single juvenile with orange wing tags ‘B3’ was present at East Cottingwith Ings on the 2nd. ‘D3’ returned to Bank Island on the 27th and roosted there with another female, whilst seven (including two adult males), roosted at Wheldrake Ings on the same date.

Hobby – Singles were noted from Seaton Ross and Wheldrake Ings on the 1st and Bank Island on the 11th. One was still present at Wheldrake Ings on the 14th and 23rd with a single at North Duffield Carrs on the 30th.

Hobby - Wheldrake Ings - 15/09 - DB

Ringed Plover – Three were at Wheldrake Ings on the 13th with two remaining between the 14th -17th.

Golden Plover – The first 80 birds appeared in the usual fields at Raker Lakes, Wheldrake on the 22nd, with numbers up to 117 by the 23rd – the same date that birds were found feeding after dark on adjacent arable fields in Wheldrake village. A flock of 150 were present in the same area on the 28th followed by 310 at Bank Island on the 30th.

Lapwing – A flock of 300 were in fields by Hagg Bridge on the 27th.

Dunlin – Two were present on the pool at Wheldrake Ings on the 13th.

Curlew – Three were still at Bank Island on the 1st with three again on the pool at Wheldrake Ings on the 13th where one remained on the 27th.

Whimbrel – Several small flocks were recorded passing over the area on nocturnal passage during the month.

Ruff Four were present on the pool at Wheldrake Ings on the 27th.

Snipe – 30+ were at Wheldrake Ings on the 27th.

Green Sandpiper – Eight remained at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st with two at Bank Island on the 2nd. Up to ten were recorded in the area early in the month with nine on the pool at Wheldrake on the 16th, where five were still present on the 17th. Numbers declined thereafter with one or two daily to month end, increasing once again to ten at Wheldrake Ings on the 27th following heavy rain topping up the pool. Eight remained there until month end.

Green Sandpiper - Wheldrake Ings - 29/09 - DB

Common Sandpiper – Four birds were logged passing over the valley on nocturnal passage during the month.

Common Gull – A Large pre-roost gathering was noted by Elvington Water Treatment Works on the 29th.

Hoopoe – One was present in gardens at Stamford Bridge between the 22nd – 28th.

Hoopoe - Stamford Bridge - 23/09 - ND

Swift – A single south over Wheldrake Ings on the 15th was followed by three south on the 16th.

Yellow Wagtail Seventeen were following grass cutting operations at Bank Island on the 1st. Small numbers continued to be recorded until the last on the 27th.

Whinchat – Three were at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st with a single at Bubwith Ings on the 13th. An influx was noted on the 14th with four at North Duffield Carrs and four at Wheldrake Ings followed by a single at East Cottingwith on the 15th. Three were also present at Thornton Ellers on the 15th – at least 13 birds were thought to be involved in this passage movement. Four remained at Wheldrake Ings between the 18th - 23rd with one lingering until the 30th.

Stonechat – Four or five remained at North Duffield Carrs early in the month with six there on the 14th. One returned to Thornton Ellers on the 18th with one at Wheldrake Ings on the 20th and up to four remaining at North Duffield at month end. A single was at Melbourne Ings on the 27th, with other singles at Thornton Ellers, Hagg Lane and Bubwith Ings on the 28th. Eight were at Wheldrake Ings on the 29th with one at Bank Island on the same date.

Wheatear – Singles were noted at North Duffield Carrs on the 3rd, Aughton on 4th and two at Wheldrake Ings on the 11th. A single was then present at Bubwith Ings on the 13th and 14th.

Redwing – Following two birds at Hemingbrough on the 27th, the first returning birds were noted on nocturnal passage overnight on the 27th/28th over Elvington.

Swallow – 36 flew south over Wheldrake Ings on the 29th.

Spotted Flycatcher – A single remained at the windpump at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st.

Redstart – A single female was present at Wheldrake Ings on the 10th.

Pied Flycatcher – A single immature was found in Hawthorns at the north end of North Duffield Carrs on the 14th.

Bearded Tit – Three flew high off to the north from Swantail Ings at Wheldrake early morning on the 28th.

Chiffchaff – Thirteen were still present at Wheldrake Ings on the 14th with 18 there on the 15th. Twenty-four were recorded there on the 28th with 14 between Wheldrake and Bank Island on the 29th.

Reed Warbler – One remained at Wheldrake Ings on the 25th.

Whitethroat – Singles were still present at Bank Island on the 24th and 25th.

Blackcap – Four remained at Bank Island on the 29th.

Marsh Tit – Single at Wheldrake Ings on the 20th.

Nuthatch – Single at Wheldrake Ings on the 15th and Bank Island on the 29th.

Cetti’s Warbler – Two birds were singing at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st, whilst two broods (eight+ juveniles) were also present at Bank Island. Two were still singing at Wheldrake Ings on the 15th with another at Bank Island on the 29th.

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