Welcome to the LDV NNR ringing blog, this blog is designed to share the experiences, findings and tales from a group of dedicated ringers. We specialise in conservation orientated research projects, largely focusing on wildfowl, waders, owls and birds of conservation concern, in and around the Vale of York NNR's.

NB - Whilst the purpose of this blog was initially designed to cover our nationally important wildfowl ringing activities, it now also features wildlife and work posts, explaining how we manage the NNR for both wildlife and people.

For daily sightings please visit our Twitter account: https://twitter.com/ldv_nnr (@LDV_NNR)

For details of events, volunteer tasks and wildlife images please visit our Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/Lower-Derwent-Valley-Skipwith-Common-NNR

Feb' 25

Lower Derwent Valley NNR - February Sightings

Highlights during the month included the reappearance of the two drake American Wigeon on the 24th and a drake Green-winged Teal (discovered on the same date), whilst a Ruddy Shelduck appeared at Bank Island on the 25th. Otherwise the return spring passage of Whooper Swans and Pink-footed Geese started during the month and an early Common Scoter was present (8th-9th) prior to the first nocturnal passage flock of the year recorded after dark on the 24th. An impressive 1,092 Pintail were recorded on the 15th (second highest count on record – and in line with increasing numbers over the last few years), with 1,032 remaining on the 23rd. Shoveler (378), Gadwall (233) and Tufted Duck (275) all increased with spring passage and the arrival of breeding populations.

Wader wise, 160+ Curlew had returned by mid-month with the first three singing males heard on the 15th. The Black-tailed Godwit flock at Wheldrake Ings had reached 211 by the 16th whilst Grey Plover flew through the site on the 22nd - the same date two Green Sandpipers appeared at Wheldrake IngsThe Wheldrake gull roost rapidly declined and many birds once again departed the site early, with a single Mediterranean Gull and Caspian Gull the highlights in an otherwise quiet gull month. Two Woodlarks had returned to Skipwith Common by the 13th with four heard singing by the 22nd. Ravens were logged on four dates during the month and the first singing Chiffchaff (presumably overwintering) was seen at Skipwith on the 22nd. 100+ Corn Buntings remained at the Melbourne roost to at least mid-month.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed records and counts throughout the month, in particular to members of York Birding and regular patch birder Duncan Bye. Thanks also to Duncan Bye and Trevor Walton for the use of their images below.



Mute Swan – The first pairs were seen copulating from mid-month with some early nest building activity recorded at North Duffield Carrs on the 11th and 22nd.

Whooper Swan – 141 were present at Derwent Farm on the 7th. The first spring passage herds then started to move on the 13th with 31 northwest in three herds whilst seven dropped into Bank Island. Twelve flew north over Bank Island on the 14th and the resident herd had increased to 166 on the 15th. Seven were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 15th and 16th with 160 at North Duffield on the 19th followed by 151 on the 22nd. Six passage birds were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 23rd.

Whooper Swans - 15/02 - Ellerton - DB

Greylag Goose – Numbers decreased early in the month as usual with 597 remaining on the 15th, by which time several pairs were scattered throughout the site and starting to claim territories.

Canada Goose – 98 were present throughout the site on the 15th.

Pink-footed Goose – Between 800 and 1,000 were logged daily in the wider East Cottingwith area during the first week of the month. Numbers then decreased to c400 by the 11th with this flock departing the site on the 13th, when a further skein flew northwest over Bank Island. A flock of c200 followed on the 14th, with other flocks of 36 on the 15th and 120 on the 16th also recorded. 500 were present in the Ellerton area on the 21st.

White-fronted Goose – Three adults were present with Pink-footed Geese at East Cottingwith on the 5th and presumably it was the same three that flew over Bank Island the next day. Four were then present again at Wheldrake Ings and East Cottingwith on the 16th with three seen at Wheldrake Ings on the 28th.

White-fronted Goose - 16/02 - Wheldrake - DB

Egyptian Goose – Seventeen flew over Bank Island at dusk on the 6th with the two regular breeding pairs recorded at Elvington and East Cottingwith throughout the month.

Shelduck – 140+ were present early in the month with 96 remaining on the 15th and 107 on the 23rd.

Ruddy Shelduck – A single was present at Bank Island on between the 25th and 28th.

Teal – A total of 6,277 were recorded throughout the site on the 15th followed by 6,559 on the 23rd.

Teal - Wheldrake Ings - 16/02 - DB

Green-winged Teal – A single was present at Wheldrake Ings on the 23rd.

Wigeon – A total of 10,720 were present throughout the site on the monthly WeBS count on the 15th with 10,120 recorded on the 23rd.

American Wigeon – Two drakes were present at Bubwith Ings on the 23rd.

Mallard – Numbers decreased during the month no doubt reflecting the dispersal of local breeding birds, with 809 recorded on the 15th.

Pintail – Numbers started to increase again with 466 recorded at Wheldrake Ings on the 9th, followed by 300+ at North Duffield Carrs and a total of 1,092 throughout the whole site on the 15th during the monthly WeBS count. This represents the second highest count on record (set in 2024) and follows the recent trend of increasing and internationally important numbers in spring. A total of 321 were at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd with 1,032 remaining throughout the site on the 23rd.

Shoveler – Numbers as expected started to increase with the return of spring passage and incoming breeding birds. 117 were at Wheldrake Ings on the 9th followed by 163 there on the 15th, amongst the 261 present throughout the site on that date. 135 were at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd, with a total of 378 recorded throughout the site on the 23rd.

Gadwall – Spring passage and the presumed return of local breeders saw numbers increase early in the month with 120 at Wheldrake Ings on the 9th and 148 throughout the site on the 15th – increasing to 233 on the 23rd.

Tufted Duck – Numbers continued to increase with the build up of spring passage with 160 recorded between Wheldrake Ings and Bank Island on the 6th. 145 remained throughout the site on the 15th. 92 were at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd with 160 at Wheldrake Ings on the 23rd when 275 were present throughout the whole site.

Pochard – Scarce throughout the month with just two recorded on the 15th. Three were at Wheldrake Ings on the 22nd followed by a single there on the 23rd.

Common Scoter – A single remained at Wheldrake Ings between the 8th and 9th with the first flock picked up on nocturnal passage after dark on the 24th.

Goldeneye – Numbers increased with spring passage with 34 recorded on the 15th and 28 remaining on the 23rd.

Goldeneye - Wheldrake Ings - 19/02 - TW

Goosander – One was seen over Bank Island on the 9th and five roosted at Wheldrake Ings later in the day. Six roosted at Wheldrake Ings from the 10th onwards with a drake later seen on the canal at Melbourne on the 14th. Ten were recorded throughout the site on the 15th.

Little Egret – Sightings became more regular during the first week of the month as birds started to return to the reserve.

Great White Egret – A single lingered in the Wheldrake/Storwood area throughout the month with either it or another regularly seen in the Melbourne area. Two were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 16th with one recorded on the Low Grounds on the 21st. Two were present on the 23rd, with at least one remaining to month end.

Coot – Numbers had increased to 60+ at Wheldrake Ings by the 6th with 45 present throughout the site on the 15th and 75 at Wheldrake on the 23rd.

Moorhen – The first predated egg was found at Skipwith Common NNR on the 19th.

Marsh Harrier – There was a decrease in wintering individuals with just four or five remaining by mid-month.

Marsh Harrier - Wheldrake Ings - 19/02 - TW

Peregrine – At least three wintering individuals were present throughout the month.

Merlin – A single was reported from North Duffield Carrs on the 8th, 11th and 21st.

Oystercatcher – A pair had returned to a breeding territory at East Cottingwith by the 4th with three later seen at North Duffield Carrs on the 8th. Eight were then present throughout the site on the 15th followed by 12 on the 22nd.

Golden Plover – 300 had returned to Wheldrake Ings by the 9th increasing to 800+ by the 15th. 200 were recorded at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd and 1,382 were present throughout the whole site on the 23rd.

Grey Plover – A single flew south over Bank Island, calling, on the 22nd.

Lapwing Up to 2,000 remained at Wheldrake Ings and the Low Grounds early in the month with a total of 4,899 recorded on the 15th followed by 7,576 on the 23rd.

Dunlin – c500 remained early in the month with 528 recorded throughout the site on the 15th followed by 497 on the 23rd.

Curlew – 40+ had returned to Wheldrake Ings by the 8th with 58 recorded throughout the site on the 15th including the first three singing males amongst several territorial pairs. 90+ were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 21st, by which time a regularly returning colour-ringed individual took up its usual territory infront of Tower Hide. 160+ were recorded throughout the site on the 22nd.

Curlew - Wheldrake Ings - 23/02 - DB

Black-tailed Godwit – Numbers increased to 156 by the 6th and 166 by the 8th, with 152 remaining on the 15th. 211 were then present there on the 16th and remained on the 23rd. Some nocturnal passage was noted on the 28th.

Jack Snipe – Up to 12 remained in a small area of Skipwith Common NNR during the first week of the month, with up to ten at Elvington Airfield and four at North Duffield Ings on the 5th. One flew out of the swantail reedbed at Wheldrake Ings on the 23rd.

Woodcock – Fields surrounding Skipwith Common NNR held nine on the 5th, with ten at Wheldrake Ings and 11 at Elvington Airfield on the 8th.

Redshank – A total of 16 were present throughout the site on the 15th.

Green Sandpiper – Two were present at Wheldrake Ings on the 22nd.

Herring Gull – 350 roosted at Wheldrake Ings on the 15th.

Mediterranean Gull – A single adult was recorded at Wheldrake Ings on the 9th.

Black-headed Gull – Numbers decreased quickly much as they did last spring, with just 300 at the Wheldrake roost on the 15th.

Common Gull – Just 100 remained at the Wheldrake roost on the 15th following an early departure.

Capsian Gull – An adult was reported from the Wheldrake Ings gull pre-roost on the 5th.

Short-eared Owl – A single was present at dusk at North Duffield Carrs on the 22nd.

Woodlark – The first returning two birds were noted with some limited sub-song in cold temperatures on the 13th, with four then present on the 22nd followed by six on the 28th.

Raven – A single flew over Wheldrake village on the 2nd with either it or another over Melbourne on the 3rd. One was seen over Bank Island on the 14th, 16th, 27th and 28th.

Willow Tit – There was a slight increase in singing activity from mid-month with two pairs at both Melbourne and Wheldrake, and single pairs at North Duffield Carrs and Bank Island.

Willow Tit - Wheldrake Ings - 16/02 - DB

Chiffchaff – Singles were heard singing at Skipwith Common NNR on the 22nd and the Water Treatment Works at Bank Island on the 28th.

Nuthatch – One was in the car park lane at Wheldrake Ings on the 1st and was regularly seen thereafter during the month.

Siskin – c200 were in the Melbourne and Thornton Ings area on the 1st.

Linnet – c90 roosted at Bank Island regularly during the month with 80+ at Aughton on the 15th. 100+ were at Bank Island on the 22nd.

Corn Bunting – 88 were still present at the Melbourne roost on the 5th with 100+ there on the 15th.

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